Berry nice

This year I haven't tried to grow any produce, not for want of trying but peas never seem to grow beyond a few tendrils before the slugs get them, tomatoes never ripen...the only thing that seems to grow in my garden is mint!

But I had a few strawberry plants  bought at a church fair a few years ago and for some reason they have actually fruited really well this season. I haven't done anything different this year but maybe the combo of slugs/snails have kept away and we did have a few bright hot sunny days earlier in the month.

Not quite a punnets worth or enough to make jam with but still highly satisfying to eat home grown fruit - they were planted in last years used tomato grow bags.

What have you grown in your garden this year?
twosp x


  1. We are growing a lot this year. Our peas are doing really well as are the beans!


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