Grenson -new shoes for me

Sods law the heavens have opened up and the rain in pouring down...I have new shoes on. Delightful Grenson brogues in rose gold leather...although Mr. Fashion (twin 1) declared they are more bronze coloured. My six year old can also identify silk from 10 paces away!! He will go far in the fashion world.

I have been style stalking these shoes for ages and when they came up for sale in The Outnet in my size I just had to click on shopping cart Tuesday and they arrived the next morning at the office. Wonderful service and to think back in the Kays/Littlewoods catalogue days, it used to take 28 days for delivery. I swapped out the paler laces they came with for black ones to tone in better with my Gap khakis and Lulelemon raincoat.

I will be dodging puddles on the way home as I have committed the sin of not having sprayed my new shoes with scotchguard to protect them in my keenness to wear them :-(


  1. Oooooh nice shoes. Have you been to V&A to see shoe exhib yet? I'm off when Erbie's back to school.


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