Happy Haul

Thanks to a twitter alert from Tor at Fabfrocks today, Boots were having in-store 75% off on beauty gift sets.

So I bagged myself the following items from their Oxford Street store..

Philosophy Fun Frosty 3-in-1 Bubble Bath, Shower gel and Shampoo set for £11 mmm I'm going to smell delish!

Hello Kitty/Liberty cosmetic bag, lip gloss, mascara and eye shadow set £8 (ahem I may have accidentally bought quite a few of these)

And these, the Bobbypins Beauty vanity sets for £2 - perfect standby birthday presents for Curly Haired Beauty school friends

The very helpful shop assistant at the check-out even let me wade back to the already large scrum to go get a few more sets when I realised just how discounted these beauty gift sets were! Cheers Tor and Jennifer :-)

PS knock me down with a feather - I now have a job, its the same job as before, doing the exact same thing! So they did still want me after all...can't figure it out but after a hellish Xmas and NYE having it hang over me like a noose. I can carry on as before and carry on shopping!


  1. Ha! You did hot foot it to Boots after Tors tweet! That was a haul and I might have to do the same although Epsom pickings might not be so great but Kingston is usually a winner.
    Good news ref the job - phew!!


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