It's not goodbye

I've been blogging for over 5 years now over at but have decided to move over here at Wordpress for a bit just to see how things would fare in this fast paced social media world we live in. Haven't quite worked out how to do XYZ yet so bear with me whilst I find my bearings! ImageSo help yourself to a St Clement Muffin - one of Mary Berry's finest recipies.  


  1. I'm afraid it is goodbye - from me. I simply don't want any more emails from blogs filling up my inbox. Wordpress may be easier for bloggers but it's much harder for followers. I have tried for years to keep up with those who moved to Wordpress but have now given up. It's simply too much trouble. Sorry and Good Luck.

  2. I've often wanted to move but there are pro's and con's some of which have been commented above but you will be stuck with me for a while yet xx


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