
My nose is busted, broken by a head butting two year old (Mr Fashion and me playing row row row your boat). It hurts A LOT. Still so sore since Sunday....I liked my old nose, cute button nose, even sized nostrils, nothing wrong with it for the last 39 years. Been very satisfied with my nose until now....Swelling is going down, an unattractive bruise on the bridge, black eyes abating. Not a good look - even wearing specs hurt. Plus I have a cold so everytime I sneeze the searing pain is unbearable. Poor me, feeling very low and sorry for myself. I spent a bit of time googling plastic surgery and for a nose doctor in Harley Street. Not the one who did Tara P-T, just need to get it fixed to how it used to look. Having an identical twin sister makes the job easier, can wheel her into the surgery and point and say make mine look like that again. All 3 of my children have inherited my lovely nose, it will live on in their faces. RIP my old nose.

I wasn't going to mention this but I am going to be in a magazine article in the beauty section. I went on a photo shoot last week and was interviewed on my opinions on beauty and ageing. I did my own hair and make-up, eyes a bit squinty due to the bright sunlight but with my glorious old nose. Forever preserved in print. See if you can spot me, hopefully they don't put my photo next to Ruby from Ruby and Millie , she is gorgeous and looks stunning for 49. Yes really Ah-Mazing skin and cheekbones.


  1. Oh poor you... hope your nose is feeling better soon, and well done you for the magazine article! Emma :) (found you via Blow your own...)


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