Angels calling

I really wish I could go to the Angels Sale that's happening on Saturday. I love a good rummage and to pass the opportunity to delve into this one is making me weep. Its too far away and the early start plus queuing time is a big no no for me :-(

Have fun to those of you who can make it and let me know the goodies you get! In my BB (Before Babies) days I would be up there at the crack of dawn, jostling, with sharpened elbows. Its the unknown that I love - the grabbing and thrusting and general argy bargyness of it all.

A truly memorable sale was when the Royal Opera House had a costume sale in Covent Garden - Rows upon rows of amazing costumes from past productions. Actual Armani suits for one opera too. I bought a real tutu as worn by one of the members of the ballet corp - the dancer was teeny tiny and I struggled to get into it but I had to have it, as it was so pretty. D bought a naked body suit of a Reinmaiden. He made it into The Independent arts page, as it was quite a sight having a decapitated body slung over your shoulder casually. What do you do with it? Well its been loaned out to a traveling theatre group and not been seen since.


  1. I know it would be great to go but I haven't got the will or the purse for it at the mo!


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